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Monday, March 16, 2020

A Corona Timeline

A semi-autobiographical account stretching from January to mid-March
  • Detached disinterest. Something's up in China
  • Ah yet another East Asian flu. Deja SARS
  • Lots of Corona beer jokes. Hahaha
  • Oh China...what's with the lockdowns! Will iPhone production stop? Will Apple stock sink??
  • Travel restrictions to and from China! Washington state going crazy! Ooh exciting times
  • Meh. This too shall pass. Warm weather is coming anyway
  • But let's work from home: better be safe than sorry. Yay Netflix
  • Spousal truces over who gets the study desk, who gets to take work calls loudly vs who needs to whisper
  • Wtf just happened in Italy?!
  • Fevered reading up on articles and analysis and data and charts and graphs and projections and predictions
  • Holy moly! Markets in free fall
  • Panic selling! (Of stocks)
  • Panic buying! (Of masks)
  • No bank runs (yet) but lots of grocery runs... Sanitizers cleaned out, wipes wiped out. F*ck it we have soap anyway
  • Dang school are also closed now! So much for Netflix. Full on zoo mode at home
  • Huh some pretty fun WhatsApp and Twitter jokes. Full on tragi-comedy
  • Wade through the tons of spammy corporate emails... "You last used our product 4 years ago but we feel compelled to email you about the steps we are taking for your protection. Though we sell shoelaces". #FML
  • Binge on chocolate. It's the end of the world anyway
  • Guilt trip. Who am I kidding. The chocolate overkill is on me and me alone 
  • Guilt trip #2: doctors and families dying in China and Iran and Italy and here I am wallowing in self pity and chocolate?
  • No basketball. No F1. No tennis. Damn!
  • No distractions: pure virus. Wake up to Corona news. Sleep to Corona news
  • CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT CORONAVIRUS? This news overdose will kill me before the virus does
  • I am DONE reading; let's do some long overdue prep work. Why oh why didn't I get toilet paper like the others. Now even Amazon is all out of stock. Stupid stupid stupid
  • No new news for 2 hours
  • 12 hours now 
  • ... 
  • I can't stand the waiting. Bring it on Corona! Let's see this out one way or the other
  • Utter resignation. Ennui. Take me already
  • Shit it has hit the neighborhood! So much for the bravado
  • The end is nea...ah...ah...ahchoo!