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Big animal and nature lover, radical pro-environment believer, confused humanitarian, lover of fitness, hater of high glycemic index foods, follower of auto and tech sectors, lover of books, music and squash, hater of social inequality and naked capitalism, atheist, former determinist, anti-speciesist, I am only the sum of my ideas, ideals and thoughts. And at the end of the day, I am just a tiny speck of stardust in this massive massive universe - just the same as you.
A particularly sadistic method of eliminating prairie dogs is by blowing them away at private "recreational" shooting contests, where shooters sit at tables near or within a colony and aim high-powered rifles at the animals as they emerge from their burrows. These "sportsmen" don't like to waste their bullets, so if they just injure a prairie dog, they consider it entertaining to watch him die slowly rather than waste another bullet. The National Rifle Association calls this cruel, bizarre event "varmint-hunting." Shooters have their own charming terminology for the various maneuvers they perform. A "triple" is one bullet that hits three dogs on a mound who are hugging each other in fear. In the "flipper," the force of the shot flips the animal backward. A "red mist" refers to the explosion of a prairie dog from a direct hit. This "sport" is accompanied by cheers from onlookers and participants, and, of course, prizes for the best shots.The death tally at the eighth Annual Prairie Dog Extravaganza in North Dakota was 4,912, shot in a six-hour competition by 70 participants. A hunter's annual take in Utah can reach 6,000 Prairie Dogs. Just for comparison, imagine an alien coming down and killing 6,000 human beings in one season - 'for kicks'.
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
A couple of weeks back I was trying to go home from work around 8pm and it was raining like crazy. It took me a whole hour to find a cabbie who would agree to take me home. I kid you not, a full 60 minutes – during which I walked all across Nariman Point and even reached Churchgate, fully drenched despite the umbrella. People who have lived in Mumbai can appreciate how hard it gets to find a cab when its raining. When I finally did find a cab, I promptly began venting about how Mumbai cabbies act like crooks when it comes to taking on passengers, especially when its raining (FYI, the law states that a cabbie cannot refuse a passenger irrespective of where he/she wants to go). I was righteously indignant, but he said something that shut me up. He said,
“Sir, rules are rules, but a man has to look out for himself. If I try to be a sincere guy and take you home to Wadala when its pelting, I will probably not find another customer there for hours. I still have to pay a flat Rs. 400 to my seth for a 12 hour shift because I don't own the car. But you will not pay me a paisa more than the meter fare, will you?”
“Or, fording through waterlogged roads, maybe my rundown old cab will break down. Will you walk away unconcerned, or will you try and help me get it repaired? Or do you think there is a government department or an insurance company who will help me out if my car breaks down in the rains?”
“On a more elementary level, every day of my life is spent trying to scrounge out as much money as possible. There is a wife and kids and parents and siblings all waiting back home for me to earn some money so that they can live. Sure I would like to be the ideal cabbie who is honest and upright and stands up to his customers – who wouldn’t – but do I have the luxury of putting values ahead of money? “
It was compelling logic. If you put values ahead of selfish gains, your kids wont be able to afford even a half-baked education back in the village. If you die or something unfortunate befalls you, no government will give a damn for your family. It’s a wild wild world, and each man has to look out for himself.
And that is a large part of the problem we face in countries like India. Too many people are running their lives six feet from the edge, desperately trying to make a life out of the deal fate has handed them. Can you or I afford to lecture them on values? Sure there is rapid economic growth. But that is far too often distorting the wealth equation than resolving socio-economic issues for the unfortunate millions. Having started from abject poverty, this country is rapidly morphing, and wealth is being created within the span of years, even months, instead of lifetimes. While millions watch from the sidelines, unable to participate. Those with half a chance – like the cabbies who rejected me – are racing as hard as they can trying to make ends meet. Perhaps the land of Gandhi does not have the luxury to value values in today’s circumstances.
Sure you might say everybody has a choice. And I am sure there are many in this great land who continue to uphold values above many other things in life. But I don't think you or I have the right to judge the rest very harshly.
PS: I have been thinking about Values a little bit lately. There are some interesting themes to cover in business values too. Will cover them soon.
The media is screaming out headlines to the effect the tiger population has increased by 20% over 4 years. And somewhere in the text the articles say ‘experts are questioning the conclusions’. Then the articles go on to mention that 288 of the 295 additional tigers accounted for, were actually counted in areas previously not included in the survey! Talk about the most misleading headline ever. Especially when you also read in the article that the tiger habitat has reduced from 93,600 to 72,800 in the same time.
Bravo. Disturbing news that the tiger has been pushed 20% closer to extinction has been repackaged to imply that the tiger is doing 20% better. Nincompoops.
All this talk of 1411 and 1706 also reminds me of Aircel’s outrageous campaign a while back: ‘Save our Tigers’. How in high heavens are everyday people expected to help in conservation of tigers?? The campaign helpfully mentions that one should blog about it and speak about it. As if the high decibel campaign wasn’t sufficient enough. Fact is, the Indian aam aadmi is not a threat to the tiger and increasing his awareness about the issue is not going to save the tiger. Such a campaign would be wonderful in China, that horrible land with an insatiable appetite for tiger parts. You could point out that increasing general awareness on conservation of the ecosystem is never bad. True. Just that this campaign reeked of sheer publicity and CSR hogging to me.
Note: Unlike the first half of this piece, the second half is written from the heart. So less robust an argument despite being more aggressive in tone.